Some reviews

Pianist-singer-songwriter from the english-montreal scene, the young and
pretty Lizanne Evely possesses an indisputable talent for well
crafted melodies and thoughtful lyrics...Pay attention to two jewels:
the very catchy "Love at any cost", and the a poignant ballad,
road-moviesque "Get away".
La Presse

Lizanne Evely impressed me with her particularly rich voice. She possesses
what we call "feeling" and soul. Her style is adult but is greatly influenced
by Jazz... She possesses enormous talent...
Musicien Québécois

...Then there are the artists of substance and tenacity. Lizanne Evely is a
singer-songwriter and pianist who has spent 15 years fine-tuning her talents...
(she) is fuelled by a sense of optimism and of humor, and by a keen sensitivity
toward her fellow creatures.That is reflected in the soulful, passionate songs
featured on Evely's debut solo recording "Under a New Sun".
The Chronicle

Well-established in Montreal, Lizanne remains almost unknown only 350 miles
down the 401; don't expect this situation to last for long, however.
A powerful singer with a soulful voice, and a strong keyboard player, she's
certain to be "discovered" by a major record company sooner or later. Meanwhile,
her independent debut album, Under a New Sun, introduces a charismatic performer
with a repertoire of passionate songs.
Richard Flohill, publicist, Toronto.

...what a voice this girl has...she's going to go very far...
Le journal de Québec

"Under a New Sun" (debut album). This montrealaise wrote all the lyrics & music of the 9 songs
on her debut album. This album merits a listen particularly for "Make up your mind"
... a really good song !
Voir Magazine

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